As part of our ‘What Parents Say’ series we spoke to blogger Emily, writer of Enki’s Adventures about their recent visits to Gympanzees.
First of all, I’ll tell you about Enki!
Enki is full of beans and very sociable, he loves saying hello to everyone and presently is very keen on hugs and kisses! He has a very infectious way about him and makes people smile and giggle wherever he goes. He is a real treasure. He loves people, balls, lights, sensory toys, trampolines, animals, swings, slides, soft play basically he will give anything a shot and just loves playing and people.
He is not always keen on being told no or stop (is anyone!) and because of this he definitely has selective hearing, ha-ha. For a while he was feeling unsure of new places and would take his time to adjust but this was solely from one bad experience at a hospital. We have been working hard to help him not feel this way and we are pleased to say that he is back to his happy, confident self about new places.
Our introduction to Gympanzees (Thank you Fran!)
I first heard about Gympanzees from someone who works at Bristol Down Syndrome Trust (Enki attends a speech and language class there on a Monday and a lovely coffee morning) At our first session at Gympanzees Enki needed some encouragement as he had been having issues with appointments since having a bad time at a blood test appointment. Fran, a wonderful member of staff at Gympanzees saw Enki was having difficulties and she took him under her wing and personally carried him around each room until he began to calm down and not be scared … in the end he was happily playing with Fran and had a great time. Fran has really helped Enki to not worry about new places, and we are really grateful to her. Since our first session we have been back many times and Enki LOVES it.