Physical Disabilities and Communication
Watch our Zoom Webinar with specialist Speech and Language Therapist Annie Kingston.
This talk will explore
(1) whether we are covering enough vocabulary and
(2) is it the right vocabulary at the right time.
(3) how to use social language to interact with others, whether it’s family members, friends, carers, people at school or the person at your corner shop.
We have the opportunity to delve specifically into AAC such as electronic voice output communication, including tablets, iPads and eye gaze. A more in depth look into AAC will be coming shortly.

Cerebral Palsy and Communication: Speech, Language and Social Interaction

What this webinar covers:
- 0:00 – 3:10: Introduction.
- 3:11 – 14:20: Section One – Are we covering enough vocab? Studies and research.
- 14:21 – 24:36: Section Two – Is it the right time to teach my child vocab? How do we do all this vocab?
- 24:37 – 35:20: Section Three – Social vocab – the nitty gritty good stuff of life.
- 35:21 – 38:39: Section Four – AAC -The goldren rule: Ask your child what they want programmed including nicknames, slang etc.
- 38:40 – 39:30: Conclusion and session takeaways.
Download a copy of the presentation here.

Annie Kingston
Annie Kingston is the director of Autism Bristol, a local company providing bespoke, fun and high quality speech therapy for 0 – 25 year olds. She has 2 main areas of focus: cerebral palsy and autism. She worked in the NHS as a lead in autism before taking a radical change and becoming a manager of therapy department of a Scope school in Cardiff for children with cerebral palsy. She loved doing joint therapy in a hydro session but as the years went on, she became more interested in the development of eye gaze technology which has the power to change someone’s life in such a profound way. Working with children that are pre-verbal and giving them the tools to communicate is one of the most rewarding things. She is constantly fascinated by how much they have to say about their world and what is important for them to communicate. Communication is more than the words we use; it’s about being able to have a voice and being heard. Contact Annie Kingston on Tel: 07816 516105 Email: