Thank you for your kind donation to Gympanzees!
Your donation will allow us to plan ahead, ensuring all our families have access to regular exercise, play and friendship.
Thank you for helping us build for better so we can create a home for Gympanzees – a permanent play, exercise and social facility that will have everything under one roof to support the health and well-being of 1,000s of children and young people with disabilities and their families every year.

Your Donation Amount
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When you donate to Gympanzees, through this website or in other ways, you are supporting us to ensure that every disabled child and young person in the UK can enjoy a life filled with exercise, play and friendship.
Our campaigns will highlight specific areas of Gympanzees work, but these are just some of the many ways Gympanzees supports disabled children and young people. Donations will be treated as unrestricted and will be used to fund our work to deliver multiple fully inclusive leisure facilities that are easily accessible for disabled children, young people and their families, cover our Lending Library costs, and help to fund Gympanzees general support and running costs.