We’ve now wrapped up our Pop Ups to fully focus on raising the £8m needed to open our doors permanently by June 2026. With this goal in sight, we’re committed to creating a life-changing space for families, open 364 days a year, 7 days a week!
You can find more SEND events in Bristol here -
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This is our Gympanzees team. These are the people who are going to ensure that we raise £8 million to transform our site into the UK’s first fully accessible exercise, play and social centre for disabled children and young people. Along the way, we’re also expanding our Lending Library to support thousands of families before the centre opens.
Toenableeverychildand youngpersonwitha disabilityfrom 0-25yearsoldinthe UK toaccessregular exercise, play and friendship,to improvetheirphysicalandmentalhealthand wellbeing,andtotaketheirfamiliesoutof isolation.
Stephanie Wheen – Founder and CEO
Stephanie founded Gympanzees in 2016 after learning of the lack of accessible options for exercise and play for disabled children. Gympanzees has grown from an idea to the recent purchase of a 43,000 sqft building and the launch of a £8m capital appeal to transform it into the UK’s first fully inclusive leisure facility for disabled children. Gympanzees has won a host of awards, including a Queen’s Award for Innovation, and Stephanie has won a Prime Minister’s Points of Light Award, one of only two awarded in Bristol. Prior to founding Gympanzees, Stephanie worked as a disabled children’s physiotherapist for 20 years in the NHS and founded a private children’s physiotherapy practice in Bristol from 2012-2022.